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Dokumentation of a place from childhood

Fountain pen


Loosing loved ones is always difficult.

The grief you have to deal with and all of the emotions and things that come up with are challanging.

Sometimes when we loose people we also loose the places with them. Over time the memory fades and converts to this lost places in the back of our mind.

This client wanted to preserve the place he grew up in, which would be cleaned out after death and would never be the same afterwards.


For this project the client and I decided on capturing the place in pictures and little snippets of things, as if you were seeing them in your mind when you try to remember the place.

It took a few hours to take the pictures and note all the little memories that came with looking at all the things. I then edited everything and put the book together.

Pages shown here are without text to secure the clients privacy.



Final product

For the design of the book we would also add the memories concerning the things in little added notes in the handwriting of passed one. The outer cover was made from an old dress of the mother.

It had cover her body  long time ago, and now it would cover the memory to a place she curated and made a home.

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