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Memory card game

Fountain pen


For this client it was important to find a way to pass on all the stories that their mother liked to tell to them, to the next generations. This is a  fairly big family, the mother already had  8 children, several grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. But how could we find a way to pass on the family stories to generations to come and even add stories along the way?


With so many children in the picture it was clear very early on, that a game would be the best option to playfully keep the memory alive.

We designed cards, according to the stories. Each pair of cards would tell one event.

Also haptic elements would be incorporated in the game cards. One one side you would find the illustrations of the memories and on the other side you would encounter a embroided flower covered in plastic wrap. This element was directly taken from the kitchen table of the mother and implemented in the design, becuase this is where all the stories got told and manifested.

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Final product

The memory card game comes with a booklet where all the stories are written down and preserved. It is nicely packed in a box. The family plans on making more editions, as their storybook grows along woth their lifes. I am already looking forward to convert more of their memories into playing cards.

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